Family Life and Social Concerns

Bereavement: Carol Schwendenmann -
The Bereavement Ministry of St. Mary's reaches out in prayer and support of those who have lost loved ones. The ministry involves companioning those who are grieving by providing a faith-filled, safe listening environment, prayerful sharing and outreach for those in need. Support material and books for those who grieve are also available through the Parish Library. Additional large and small group programs are offered, including "Seasons of Hope" a six week program offered in the Spring and Fall and "Coping with Grief Through the Holidays", a 2-hour event in November to help those needing support this time of year.

Community Hot Meals Program: Anita Navarra (812) 663-8427, Diane Reisman & Paulette Duerstock
A team composed of St. Mary's volunteers comes together every Sunday to prepare and deliver delicious meals to home-bound and limited income persons. the meals are packaged and prepared for delivery in St. Mary's rectory kitchen. ---- Monetary donations and donated canned items allow us to maintain this program and continue to carry out God's work of reaching out to those in need. ---- If interested all help is greatly appreciated.

Funeral Meals: Sally Koors (812)663-8513
Funeral Meals are prepared and served to family and friends of deceased after funerals.

Pre-Baptism Program
Expectant couples and parents of newly born children are asked to participate in the Baptism Preparation Program. The purpose of the program is to help parents make the coming baptism of their child more than just a tradition or custom. Trained persons meet with new parents to reflect on the sacrament of baptism and the responsibilities of the parents and godparents will have by having their baby baptized into the Catholic Community. Pre-Baptism classes are held on the first Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. in the Education Building.

Pre-Marriage Instructions 
This program is designed to help prepare engaged couples for the sacrament of marriage. The program helps the couple learn more about themselves, their partner and their relationship. It can identify some of the strengths of the relationship, as well as problematic areas.Engaged couples meet with the Father for their first session. Subsequent sessions are with a Sponsoring Couple who are are experienced in working with the Prepare Program. The final session is again with Father to make final wedding arrangements. The Prepare Program has been designed by the Office for Research and Program Development at the University of Oklahoma, and is approved by the Archdiocese of Indianapolis. The results are not intended to predict chance for marital success. It is hopeful the program will provide a foundation for growth in a Christian marriage. Wedding arrangements should be made in person with the parish priest, at least 6 months before the wedding prior to making other arrangements.

Pro-Life: Patricia Louagie 812-614-2528,
The Pro-Life Committee is concerned with promoting awareness of all life issues, including euthanasia, abortion, AIDS, the elderly and handicapped, etc. Our goal is to educate the parish about these issues, and to emphasize the importance of all God's children (LIFE) at every stage. The Pro-Life Committee is a liaison between the Archdiocesan Pro-Life office and the parish, funneling information from the Archdiocese to the local level. The Committee is involved in planning masses for Respect Life Sunday and Sanctity of Life Sunday, as well as observances for the January 22 anniversary of the Roe vs. Wade decision to legalize abortion, and Mother's Day and Father's Day.

R.C.I.A. (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults): Anita Navarra - (812) 663-8427
R.C.I.A. is a program offered yearly beginning in the fall and ending in the spring after Easter. It is to welcome, instruct, and bring new members into our Church. Candidates are gradually introduced to aspects of Catholic beliefs and practices. A team leads the weekly sessions.

Sick & Shut-Ins 
Holy Communion is taken to the elderly and sick every other week. Inform the office if you wish to receive Holy Communion at home.

Hospitality Committee: Carol Reed
The Social Committee is responsible for the organization, preparation, serving and cleanup of various parish social events as requested. During the years, the activities may include providing refreshments and/or dinners for: R.C.I.A., Confirmation, receptions, Seder Meal, Parish Picnic, Ice Cream Social, Graduation Brunch, Chili Supper, Thanksgiving Service, Penance Service, cemetery cleanup, Deanery meetings, seminars and classes. Parish volunteers are called frequently for donations of bakes items, as well as service hours.

St. Mary's Alumni & Friends Association (SMAFA): Julie Nobbe -
SMAFA has as it's sole purpose, to ensure the continuation of Catholic education through the spiritual and financial support of St. Mary's School. Membership is open to all Alumni and interested friends, regardless of their location. Members pay dues, which provides monies to be used to operate the Association, and to finance various projects within the school. The organization also assists the school in updating the addresses of Alumni, raising funds for various needs within the school, and providing members to help with open houses and teacher appreciation events.

Youth Council: Megan Gehrich - (812) 663-8427 ext 206
Youth Council meets monthly to discuss, plan, and implement multiple activities, projects, and programs for the youth of St. Mary’s. They also work on developing and strengthening their own personal communication and leadership skills. Through Youth Council, it is our hope that the teens of St. Mary’s feel as if they have a voice and a need in our community.