Hot Meals Program

Ministry, Commission,
Committee or Service name:  Hot Meals Program

Chair or Point of Contact:       Diann Reisman

Reporting Structure:  Pastoral Associate

Mission or Purpose:  Respond to the call to feed the hungry.
Functions, Duties Activities:  Prepare a hot meal on Sundays to anyone who can benefit. Volunteers cook and package the meals. The meals are delivered to person’s homes by our volunteers. 
Membership:               How Many Members?:  There are no meetings or officers.
Term of membership:  We have three people who organize schedules and take in donations.
How often are meetings?:
When are new officers installed?:
Are outside volunteers sought for projects or activities?:  Volunteers are welcome to be on a cooking committee, to drive a Sunday each month, and/or to help receive and put away donations. 
Immediate need for volunteers?: