Adult Choir

Ministry, Commission,
Committee or Service name:  Adult Choir
Chair or Point of Contact:       Paul Pank;  812-525-4954
Reporting Structure:                Director of Liturgy
Mission or Purpose:                Serve our Parish by enhancing worship services with music
and song, carrying the message of Christ to our fellow parishioners.
Functions, Duties Activities:   Rehearse weekly at 6:00pm on Mondays.  Normally sing as a
group once per month, more often during the Christmas and Easter seasons.
Membership:   Volunteer        How Many Members?:            Varies
Term of membership:              No term limitations
How often are meetings?:       Weekly September through May
When are new officers installed?:       n/a
Are outside volunteers sought for projects or activities?:       No
Immediate need for volunteers?:         Yes, we can always use more voices in the Adult Choir.