Marriage Preparation

Ministry, Commission,
Committee or Service name:  Marriage Preparation
Chair or Point of Contact:       Kathy & Monty Shields
Reporting Structure:                Parish Priest (Fr. John)
Mission or Purpose:                Serve as Engaged Couple Sponsors, meeting with and
mentoring engaged couples as they prepare for marriage and a life-long journey together.
Functions, Duties Activities:   Each Sponsor Couple is trained to share with and engage with
couples preparing for marriage.  The Prepare/Enrich counseling tool is used to inventory various subjects for discussion: religion; finance; family & children; marriage expectations; leisure activities, etc.  The inventory also includes questions regarding upbringing, family life and current lifestyle.  Sponsor couples normally meet with the engaged couples 3-4 times to review the inventory results, provide insight and enhance communication between the couple.
Membership:   Appointed by Parish Priest  How Many Members?:            9 couples
Term of membership:              No limit
How often are meetings?:       Sponsor Couples will have 2-4 couples per year
When are new officers installed?:       New Sponsor Couples are trained and then function as
an independent team.  Group sessions are infrequent.
Are outside volunteers sought for projects or activities?:       n/a
Immediate need for volunteers?:         Yes
We have immediate need for 3 Sponsor Couples.  Interested parties should contact Kathy & Monty Shields or Fr. John.  Once vetted, a 2-3 hour training session will be scheduled.