Bible Study & Faith Sharing Groups

Ministry, Commission,
Committee or Service name:  Bible Study & Faith Sharing Groups
Chair or Point of Contact:       Carol Blasdel;  812-614-1005
Reporting Structure:                D.R.E., Anita Navarra
Mission or Purpose:                Our mission is to dive deeper into our Catholic Faith.  We
Study and share our faith as a means of “Constant Conversion”.
Functions, Duties Activities:   Weekly meetings following 8:00am Mass allow us to “unite”
with Christ and form bonds and friendships.  We make use of the Catechism and Ignatius Study Bible.
Membership:   Volunteer        How Many Members?:            Unlimited
Term of membership:              n/a
How often are meetings?:       Weekly after 8:00am Mass, skipping holidays
When are new officers installed?:       n/a
Are outside volunteers sought for projects or activities?:       n/a
Immediate need for volunteers?:         New members and newly formed groups are welcome.