ACT – Adult Catechetical Team

Ministry, Commission,
Committee or Service name:  ACT – Adult Catechetical Team

Chair or Point of Contact:       Dick Glaser

Reporting Structure:  PARE

Mission or Purpose:  The Adult Catechetical Team, (ACT), will promote opportunities for adult members and families of the parish community to grow in their relationship to God and each other.
Functions, Duties Activities:  The Adult Catechetical Team works with the Parish Administrator of Religious Education, (PARE), to plan, implement, and evaluate adult learning opportunities that respond to the needs of the parish community. This will include teaching, community participation, personal prayer and public worship, and Christian living through justice and service.
Membership:               How Many Members?:
Term of membership:
How often are meetings?:
When are new officers installed?:
Are outside volunteers sought for projects or activities?:
Immediate need for volunteers?: