
Ministry, Commission,
Committee or Service name:  Lectors
Chair or Point of Contact:       Sandy Meyer;  812-663-2026 (home)  812-593-4023 (cell)
email:  sandykmeyer1@gmail.com
Reporting Structure:                Parish Priest and D.R.E.
Mission or Purpose:                Provide dedicated and well-prepared readers of the Word for
every Mass in our parish.
Functions, Duties Activities:   Lectors will be trained to be effective communicators of the
Sacred Scriptures.  Lectors are required to prepare well in advance of Mass so that the reading is smooth, eye contact made and the spirit of the Liturgy is conveyed.  Reading of the Prayers of the Faithful should also be prepared for in advance for correct pronunciation of names included in the prayers.
Membership:   Appointed by Sandy Meyer How Many Members?:            18
Term of membership:  No limits
How often are meetings?:       n/a
When are new officers installed?:       n/a
Are outside volunteers sought for projects or activities?:       n/a
Immediate need for volunteers?:         No