Pastoral Council

Ministry, Commission,
Committee or Service name:  Pastoral Council

Chair or Point of Contact:  Rick Nobbe

Chairperson and Finance Liaison – Rick Nobbe
Co-Chairperson and Youth Ministry Liaison – Jill Bedel
Secretary and Faith Formation Liaison – Dick Glaser
Stewardship Liaison – Keith Stier
School Commission Liaison – Nicole Stone
Maintenance Committee Liaison – Cody Gault
Liturgy & Spirituality – Fr. John Meyer

Reporting Structure:

Mission or Purpose:  Today’s council is primarily charged to assist in the development of mission – focused parishes rather than programmatic or finance-driven ones. It attempts to place at the heart of the parish a consciousness of a zeal for the mission of Jesus Christ. When there is a clear awareness of this “larger vision” proposed by the gospels and taught by the Church, a parish finds itself energized by a sense of mission and directed to matters that foster the mission of the parish which is grounded in the mission of Christ. 
Functions, Duties Activities:
Membership:   Appointed & Elected            How Many Members?:  6 plus non-voting administrators
Term of membership: 3
How often are meetings?: Monthly
When are new officers installed?:  July 1
Are outside volunteers sought for projects or activities?:  Occasionally
Immediate need for volunteers?: No