Adopt-a-Village / Honduras

Mass with Father Carlton’s Food for the Poor Homily

In March 2024 a group visited Cucuyagua to let the families know that we are continuing our mission to raise 1 million dollars for their Sustainable Community Development. The ground work is moving forward.
Your donations will change the lives of these poorest of the poor for a brighter future.

If you would like to raise $10,000 to dedicate and name one of the 50 houses, please call Tom Ricke 812-614-3341.

Learn about a Sustainable Community Development

We were ready to help them

About the Campaign
St. Mary parish in rural Indiana is one of the top ten largest parishes in the Indianapolis Archdiocese and we have been blessed. When this “Adopt a Village” concept was presented we jumped in. Based on the statistics, and by guidance of the Holy Spirit we chose Honduras as our destination.

Honduras was ready for help. We were ready to help them. Food for the Poor and the in-country partner CEPUDO had already done a lot of work and were waiting for a sponsor to develop an area chosen as a perfect location for a sustainable community which would stand up to the natural disasters often experienced in Honduras.

A census and survey were completed. With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, St. Mary has now adopted a portion of Cucuyagua, Copan, Honduras where people are living in makeshift shelters and will provide the necessary components for a self-sufficient, self-sustaining community.

St. Mary parishioners are filled with enthusiasm and joy to help our adopted families.

Alarming and tragic facts about hunger, poverty, lack of clean water, medical, educational and community needs for Honduras can be found at:

Take a Virtual Mission Trip to Honduras with this Youtube Playlist:


Tom Ricke  (812) 614-3341

Tom’s Story

Food for the Poor visit to St. Mary’s